The example shows how you can use DateOicker with another applet to select dates. In the example Sheet and DateOicker are displayed side by side. The user selects a cell in Sheet, selects a date from the DatePicker and clicks the insert button. The selected date is inserted into the current Sheet cell.
To run the example click here.
<script language="JavaScript"><!-- // This function is called when the insert button is clicked. function insertDate() { var selDate; // Selected date as string var selection; // Currently selected Sheet cell var ss, dp; // Sheet & DatePicker objects // Get a reference to Sheet -- it's inside Applet Container ss = document.myContainer.findContainedAppletByIndex(0); selection = ss.getSelection(); // Get the current cell. dp = document.picker; // Build a date string from month, day, and year selDate = dp.getSelectedMonth() + "/" + dp.getSelectedDay() + "/" + dp.getSelectedYear(); // Insert the date into the current cell. selection.setCellContentsFromString(selDate); } // end insertDate() // --> </script> <form> <Table cellspacing="15" cellpadding="15"> <tr> <td> <APPLET CODEBASE="../.." CODE="" ARCHIVE="jars/devpack_infobus.jar, jars/devpack_ic.jar, jars/devpack_shared.jar, jars/devpack_sheet.jar, jars/devpack_scripthelper.jar" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=350 NAME="myContainer" > <PARAM NAME = "cabinets" VALUE = "cabs/, cabs/, cabs/, cabs/"> <PARAM NAME = "infoCenterVisible" VALUE = "true"> <PARAM NAME = "applet0" VALUE = "lotus.sheet.Sheet"> <PARAM NAME = "name0" VALUE = "sheet"> </APPLET> </td> <td valign="top"> <Table> <tr> <APPLET codebase="../.." CODE="lotus.calendar.datepicker.DatePicker" ARCHIVE="jars\devpack_datepicker.jar" Width=186 HEIGHT=180 NAME="picker"> <PARAM NAME = "cabinets" VALUE = "cabs/"> <PARAM NAME = "bannervisible" VALUE = "true"> <PARAM NAME = "calendarselectorvisible" VALUE = "true"> <PARAM NAME = "daymenuvisible" VALUE = "true"> <PARAM NAME = "viewselectorvisible" VALUE = "true"> </APPLET> </tr> <tr><p></tr> <tr><td align="center"><input type="button" onclick="insertDate()" value=" Insert Date "></td></tr> </table </td> </tr> </table> </form>